
#48 Another space pirate...

Yeah, so i finally got time to work on that space pirate contest, and I needed a character layout into 3D viewport, so this is it.

#47 Post-apocalyptic dude

Another generic design... been watching some post-apo stuff lately.


#46 Fancy Rum

Text in the bubble: "I drink only rums old enough to drink rum themselves."


#43 Mr Basic

A lame tribute to Mr. Basic. A star character from karmatoons tutorial series. The best drawing tutorilal ever. It was my drawing bible way back when i got into cartoon drawing. It influenced me heavily, but i still can`t draw him right. Because i suck... and also because i'm slightly drunk.


#39 Drink and draw

Drawing while being drunk... doesn`t improve skill, but Iit's way better than drinking and cooking. Or driving. Trust me.


#35 Rainbow giant

After a long time, I`ve been working with Illustrator. So at the end of the day I've decided to create todays doodle in it. Hooray for gradient mesh!


#31 Headphones

Today i killed two flies with one shot - this will also be used as a greeting card for a friend.

#30 Three gnomes

Three are better than one.


#22 Model RAGE!

Today I had to do a model for my design studio presentation... good times.


#18 Jetpack ninja

So, finally back from vacation, so it's an end for those badly photographed unregulary posted doodles. Also I started to play Drawception today, one of the descriptions was this.

#17 Zombie

One wise man once said: "When you don't know what to draw, draw a zombie". There.

#16 Robot

Flashback from my childhood. When I was like 7 or 8 i was drawing comics series with this robot. I think his name was Emil, but I'm not quite sure as i cannot find the original artwork.