

#12 Faun

Sketched in Alchemy using only mouse.

#11 Bunny Suit

So i managed to get briefly online. Mechanic pencil sketch colored with mouse in PS. Macomix style.


Note: Hiatus

Just a quick note, there will be one week hiatus in my posts, because i will be offline. I won't stop doodling and post all sketches afterwards.

#10 Golem

Slightly different thing today - a quick sculpt in Sculptris.


#8 Void Pirate

Yeah today i've read about this competition about designing and modelling some kinda 3D Space Pirate. Rules were that it has to be a woman with artificial limb. So i thought I'd kill two flies whit one shot and use my design sketch as today doodle. Took me a little longer than usual, next tie i gotta draw something simpler.


#7 Beast Rider

Took a little longer to draw than expected, I was trying to try some new "natural" brushes... result isn't that different.